Sunday, December 7, 2014

Adventures in Clay

Adventures in Clay
So I have been trying my hand at clay. Very relaxing!

This metallic polymer clay is not that easy to work with. See the roughness and cracking? That was not on purpose! However I like how well it takes stamp impressions.
I made myself some earrings studs using a mold. The camera makes the color look odd but they are nice creamy white.
I tried some different methods with this one. The following were used: a clay roller, metal stamps, craft scissors and silicone molds. I didn't notice the little speck on the larger flower until after it came out of the oven! So I think I need to do a once over with my glasses on before baking. 
I tried a flower to practice petal shaping. Of course more practice and youtube video watching is needed!
A snowman! Here I got a little better after learning the trick of rubbing alcohol and a q-tip for smoothing and cleaning the clay before baking. White is definitely a challenge to work with. Yes his carrot nose is red since I didn't have any orange clay. I tried to texturize the stick arms to look like real sticks.

Then I wanted to try adding other elements to the clay such as stones, glass and wire. Stone and glass adhere well when baked. Metal on the other hand needs to be worked into the clay so the clay bakes around it securely. 

I had my niece in mind for these girly fun pieces. However the bonding adhesive I used turned yellow when baked! So much to learn. I guess things that may need a little extra bonding need to be added after baking.
Here I tried clear liquid polymer clay which add a sheen. Apparently it needed to be spread better and of course the adhesive showing again. So in the future I would need to do the pieces separately then adhere them after baking.

I also need to use a magnifying glass before baking! Why? Well I never seem to notice those little imperfections like some traces of red clay seem to have got on the flower. 
I love this stone looking clay! It comes in other tones and cures rock solid. Fantastic! 

I'm not sure where I'm going with clay but I enjoy playing with it on my free time. Eventually something will call out to me! So I will continue to play until I have techniques down well.

In the meantime, some of these pieces will be turned into fridge magnets!

Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy your week ahead! ~Val


  1. It is clear to see you had fun while playing with the polymer ~ the snowman is adorable and the poinsettia is lovely. Those flower studs are adorable!!! I look forward to seeing how you progress with it :-)

  2. really cute creations! you have a lot of patience to work on such tiny things. :)

  3. Oh yes, I bet it's relaxing :) I love those heart and star faces!
    And the snow man is adorable! I've never worked with that type of clay before, but I'd love to try out a small
    flower mold like you have!

  4. This looks like fun, Val, and the pieces you made are just wonderful!
    Wishing you a fantastic week ahead.

  5. oh how fun! polymer is Anne's big Christmas gift and can't wait to have fun trying it out over the break!! Love you designs - especially those cute studs

  6. Looks like you have been having fun with the clay!

  7. these are great and I think Mr Snowman's freezing cold nose should be red...

  8. you did a good job learning a new skill. I have stood in front of the clay aisle at our local craft store, debating with myself. but I haven't taken the leap yet. But I did learn of a new local pottery shop that offers lessons. Now throwing clay? That I would love to do.

  9. Great job! I bet this was super fun to do. I love the earrings you made. And the snowman! Who doesn't love a snowman?
    I don't think I'd be very good with clay. I took ceramics in high school, and everything came out wrong. The only thing I made that came out ok was a vase - and it was completely lopsided!

  10. I'm impressed with your skills in working with clay!!

  11. How fun! I've never done anything with clay. I like the one at the top. The heart and star are so cute but if you don't like working with the metallic clay, you can do them in any fun color!

  12. you made some great projects. i love those earrings. i've never tried my hands at polymer clay. you can make some wonderful things with it.

  13. It looks like you've been having fun Val! I love the star and heart designs and I quite like the green with surprise red specks in it! It will be nice to see how you progress with the clay.

  14. The heart and star look great, are those going in the Christmas tree? They would make cute ornaments. And thanks for sharing the alcohol and q-tip trick, never heard of it.

  15. My dear Val, it would appear that you have been having lots of fun with your clay :) I just love the heart and star!

    Have fun creating, sweet friend!

  16. Beautiful works!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  17. All your items are beautiful! My daughter loves to work with polymer clay and she does all these tiny things that I could never do. So I can really appreciate your work. My favorite is the snowman!

  18. How fun. I use clay for sensory that I forget it can be used as an art as well.

  19. Val, so much fun! I love these creations! I know you are just learning, but you are doing well! I find so many times, after I take a picture of my paintings, I think where did that come from? LOL! Then I look closer on the canvas, and there's the spot! LOL! Funny, the things we miss! Hope you are well ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  20. Ah Miss Val I see you have been having fun!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val