Sunday, January 11, 2015

Earring Studs and A Cheese Bake

For a long time I had only been making earring studs in sets due to time constraints. Now I have time to post single pairs in variety of gemstones! Available in my Etsy shop

Cheese Bake
This was delicious and easy!
It came out looking nothing like the inspiration pin I got the idea from here. It seemed to collapse because the veggies I used shrank when cooked!

It is made in a spring pan so you can hopefully remove it once cooked and have a perfectly shaped delight. That was not exactly how it went for me. I did oil the pan edges first just in case. The oven was preheated at 425F.
Any combo of veggies and cheese can be used for this. 

I started with thinly sliced butternut squash on the bottom as sort of a crust. 
Then added spinach. Then some cheese.
Then yellow bell pepper and portabella mushrooms. Then more cheese (one can never have too much cheese)! 
I also put in a layer of tomatoes and chopped cauliflower in here. The cheeses used were a combo of mozzarella, asiago and shredded Mexican cheese.
It came out collapsed even though I tightly packing the ingredients to the top as I was adding them. That was ok though. Between Jim and I, this only lasted 2 days! 

It tastes a lot like a quiche, but without the eggs. Next time we will try different veggies and maybe different cheeses!

Thank you for stopping by! Stay warm if you are in one of those cold spots. This past week was rough in Massachusetts! ~Val


  1. i'm not a fan of quiche because i don't like eggs, so i bet i'd like this - with all that cheese! :)

  2. Indeed, no such thing as too much cheese :-) Hope you're having a great sunday!

  3. This looks delicious, Val!!
    Try lightly sauteing the veggies first to get some of the water out.
    Learned this when making homemade pizza. it make a huge difference in the final water content.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Mmmm... You have just made me hungry, my friend! I will have to try this sometime for lunch - I know my son and I would enjoy it. Have a great week!

  5. I am getting hungry looking at this dish, Val, it looks scrumptious! :)

  6. So delicious! I love oven-baked veggies :)
    Your gemsone earstuds are adorable! Perfect for every day of the week!

  7. Your Jewelry creations are just mind blowing. I would love to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award:

  8. Oh yum! Another delicious recipe. It looks wonderful, even if it didn't quite stay the shape you wanted. It's been very cold and wet (and snowy in places!) this last week. Have you had warmer weather?

  9. Mmmm, it's hard to go wrong with cheese and veggies.

  10. nothing I try to make from a pin actually looks right. lol
    and the more cheese the better, but my hubby doesn't like cheese. :0(
    I must be old fashioned, but I wouldn't think you would sell a lot of single earrings, since most people have 2 ears. lol

  11. It looks absolutely delicious! As long as it tasted good, that's all that matters. I'm a cheese fanatic myself. It makes everything taste better. I say GOOD job!

  12. Delicious post!!! nice earrings!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  13. love earring studs they are so stunning

  14. I used to have a lot of passion for tiger's eye. Then, as passion can do, it died out. As soon as I saw the photo of your earrings, my heart, mind, and voice yelled, "TIGER'S EYE!!!!" And I fell for it again. I may have to start using it. It has been Years! Lovely lovely earrings! And the cheese bake ~ how simple and delicious! I never thought to use a spring form for anything but a cheesecake. This looks like a "must do" recipe! Hope you are staying warm, Val.

  15. Yum, looks delish! I love how you can throw in any different mix of cheeses and veggies. It's not how it looks, but how it tastes :)

  16. Your vegetable cheese bake looks yummy, and I don't care whether it is like the original inspiration or not. It sounds tasty and I bet it was.

  17. I love the idea of selling the stud earrings in single sets. Those stones are beautiful! That dish looks yummy and I actually think yours looks better than the one in the pin. Will have to try it myself. I tried a new recipe from pinterest this week but unfortunately it wasn't very good and we won't be making it again.

  18. The cheese bake sounds delicious and I love when I get another meal out of a recipe!

  19. Val, you got me hungry again and it's almost 9:00pm at night! LOL! Love the earring studs! When I went to check, those cat eyes ones are cool ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  20. las piedras son muy interesantes, la comida deliciosa

  21. Ummmm, that bake looks and sounds delicious. It doesn't matter if it fell or not, just as long as it's yummy. :-)


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val