Saturday, February 7, 2015

Magic Love Crow

While dealing with the winter blues, I have not been as diligent on Blogger as usual. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things! Winter has been rough in the Northeast with lots of snow and insanely cold temperatures so I'm really longing for warmth, flowers and sunshine!

Magic Love Crow

A big thank you to Stacy of Magic Love Crow. She sent me this awesome collection of poetry titled The Dragon in the Room by J.K.E. Rose. It is an analogy of love and a dragon. Very unique! 
The back reads "Love is like a dragon in the room; it can lay there sleeping for what seems like a hundreds years then suddenly wake and terrify or seduce. It is powerful and swift, slow and cumbersome. A dragon destroys or protects, just like love."

If you haven't stopped by Stacy's blog before, she is an amazing artist specializing in the beautiful crow!

This is a recently commissioned collection made for a growing family. How beautiful is this? I'm sure it will be cherished!

I love how her work evokes emotions like in this piece.
You're the One
Some crows are very inspiring.
Live Grow Go
As a Game of Thrones fan, I love seeing a dragon included!
Beautiful Creatures
Here is a whimsical crow.
Can't Touch This
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of Stacy's work. Since her crows always make me smile, it was such a pleasure to share! 

Be sure to stop by Magic Love Crow when browsing for your next purchase of art!

Thank you for stopping by! Take care. ~Val


  1. You're the one is my favourite, Stacy has a unique style. Good luck with that winterblues, I can not wait till we can say 'hello' to spring!

  2. oh so fun! glad you won that awesome book from Stacy - sounds like a great read .... especially for those winter blues. I am particularly loving her dragon painting :D

  3. You are a sweetheart ;o) Thanks so much Val ;o) Love you my friend ;o) I hope the book helped with the winter blues ;o) We are getting more snow today. And, looks like freezing rain tonight! Yucky! Big Hugs and thanks again ;o) xoxoxo

  4. I can't wait till Game Of Thrones comes back!!!

  5. Stacy's artwork is truly magnificent and you are right, there is deep emotion in them. Thanks for sharing with us. Val. Hugs!

  6. Sorry to hear about the winter blues Miss Val! Are you moving to Florida any time soon? I do hope so!! Stay busy. Hugs to you!

  7. Fabulous artwork! It doesn't help to tell you that we have warmth, flowers and sunshine, does it? Come and visit!

  8. Interesting artwork. I think keeping busy is the best thing to beat the winter blues :D

  9. Sounds like Florida is calling you :)
    Love her colorful work!

  10. Hope you're able to overcome the Winter blues soon!

  11. Love how the dragon on the book cover resembles a heart! Crows are such fascinating creatures -
    I especially like "you're the one". Like you I'm not a winter person at all. No wonder I'm drawn to
    everything bright and colourful :)

  12. I'm from the Northeast too, and moved south to get away from the cold and snow. lol
    I love the crows...they are such beautiful, and maligned, birds. Their black is so black it shines.
    When I was a pre-teen, my mom had a wild crow that would eat right from her hand. I remember thinking, "that thing is huge!"
    of course, that was not to far behind from the movie "the birds". hahaha

  13. Her work is beautiful! I love the dragon one also. Her stuff is so cool! Oh gosh, I've been looking at the weather and feeling for you guys. They were mentioning the amount of snow and problems it's causing. I hope you guys get some relief soon. Stay warm as possible.

  14. Stacy's artwork is very pretty and interesting!!! (I fan the Game of Thrones too!!) Nice post!!
    Have a nice day, dear Val!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  15. Nice crows. You are right the use of color is so inspiring and pleasing to look at.

  16. Interesting book,
    I love that analogy
    that love is like a dragon in the room,
    makes real sense.

  17. Great feature! I'm a fan of the fun, colorful, and whimsical artwork. Very nice!

  18. The book sounds really good. I love the excerpt you shared from the back. And my favorite piece you featured here is the one with the dragon. =0)

  19. How unusual to pick this bird for inspiration and model! Well, except Edgar Allen Poe. The crow is really sweet and charming!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val