Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Past Week

I recently made a plain strand of crystal quartz for a customer so I decided to make one for my shop too!
Crystal quartz is a powerful stone associated with spiritual development, healing and raising consciousness. It resonates with the third eye and crown chakras.

I made another custom Live Your Dream necklace featuring snowflake obsidian!
More skull lanyards were shipped out for an upcoming Monsters of Rock cruise. 
Jim made some delicious vegetarian Shepherd's pie. The "meat" is a combo of lentils and mushrooms in a delicious homemade tomato sauce. We put cheese on everything that it goes with.
I received this card for grandpa's upcoming 100th birthday this month!
The fun milestone card is from Daizy Blue Designs on Etsy.

Thank you for stopping by! It still doesn't feel like Spring yet but this weekend is supposed to warm up. Fingers crossed! ~Val


  1. Quartz crystal is always an intriguing necklace ~ so much subtle beauty in there. Plus it goes with everything ;-) That and your Live Your Dream necklace are so pretty! The veggie shepherd's pie looks deeelicious! Whenever you post food, I want to show up on your doorstep with a bottle of wine. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather! It is staggering and thought provoking to see those numbers on the card.

  2. Happy Birthday to your grandpa! That is awesome! I love the ethereal quality of crystal quarz!
    The veggie shepherd's pie sounds delicious. Do you know where I can find the recipe?
    Have a great weekend!

  3. 100 years - just awesome! i love gems and crystals. i used to read about them and collect them years ago, but have gotten away from it for quite a few years.

  4. Stunning lanyard! I'm coming to your house for dinner one of these days. =)

  5. Hi Val,
    The necklace is simply stunning. Folks on that cruise are going to be wanting to know where they got those cool lanyards. Yum that dish looks so good, I am one that puts cheese on just about everything too. Happy birthday you your Grandpa it is quite an honor to make it to 100.

  6. loving the quartz Val - what a pretty, feminine look! and Happy Birthday Grandpa! how amazing to make it to 100!! that is awesome

  7. Happy Birthday Grampa!!! 100 years, wow, I bet he has some amazing stories to tell.

  8. The crystal quartz necklace is subtle but pretty and that shepherd's pie looks very nice! Happy Birthday to your Grandpa :D

  9. Hello, great necklace :-)
    Happy week!!!!

  10. What a fantastic postcard, and congrats to your grandfather. And if you want to share that pies recipe, I'd love to know! I love recipes with lentils, but I've never really cooked with them.

  11. wow,those necklaces are so beautiful

  12. You have been very busy with those skulls lately, haven't you? Love the card for Grandpa. What a milestone birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday to Grandpa! I would love to sit in a room with him and listen to all his stories. Can you just imagine what he's seen in his life? He's lived through prohibition, the big band era, the introduction of rock and roll, and so many other things. Can you imagine the first telephone he ever talked on? This is just so fascinating!

    I love your top necklace but I really love my custom "Live Your Dream" necklace. I can't wait til Elyse gets the other one you made!

  14. Beautiful necklace Val. Crystal quartz goes with everything! That Shepherd's Pie looks so delicious.

  15. que preciosidades, y la comida deliciosa, besos preciosa

  16. Lovely necklace!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  17. Pretty new necklaces and yummy looking Shepherds Pie!
    Happy Birthday to your grandpa! 100 years is definitely something to celebrate!!

  18. I like your quote and stone combi necklaces! They are something special!
    Have a nice week :)

  19. fingers crossed on the warming up! we're at 75 today! you will soon be in Florida :)

  20. The skull lanyards are so cool! My boys would love them.
    That's an awesome 100th birthday card. That's such an awesome bday to celebrate. =0)

  21. Oh Val, how exciting for your grandpa to be turning 100-years-old! How I would love to meet him...I bet he has some great stories and wonderful wisdom :)

    Lovely necklaces! Your work is always so beautiful. Hugs!

  22. Oh you've been busy, making lots of beautiful items. I especially like the quartz lanyard. The shepherd's pie looks so good. And you everything is always better with cheese. :-) Happy Birthday wishes to your grandpa.

  23. aLL YOUR creations are so beautiful
    I especially love the LIVE YOUR DREAM necklace
    it truly speaks to me.

    Happy Bday to your grandpa.


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val