Saturday, July 25, 2015

DeCordova Museum Sculpture Park - Part 2

The DeCordova Museum has wonderful architecture. The 3 leaf pieces you see in the foreground are The Endangered Species of New England by Alan Sonfist created in 2011.
The view are stunning from its 6th floor terrace. I wish I got a better photo of the whimsical white column with the rabbit ears to the right. It is titled Children of the Corn by Terence Koh created in 2011. This artist is very inspired by the writings of Stephen King.
Flints pond is next door.
The roof is full of charm.
These hearts in the distance were created in 1985 by Jim Dine title Two Big Black Hearts
Up close they are massive and you will find all sorts of objects cast into its bronze.
Below is Vision created by Blane de St. Croix in 2003. It is a bleached and stained Australian pine tree covered in glass eyes for as far up as you can see! 
A few more sculptures I enjoyed.
Eve Celebrant by Marianna Pineda created 1991
This one was in a beautiful wooded area.
Maiden's Dream by Isaac Witkin created 1996
This rock garden includes a tranquil water feature!
Rain Gates by Ron Rudnicki created 2000
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of the DeCordova Museum sculpture park. I have only showed about half the pieces. I didn't have time to tour the inside of the museum but I'm sure that would be a treat too!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. A truly amazing park with plenty of unusual sculptures. The big black hearts
    are magnificent and I agree - what a charming and whimsical roof!
    Thanks for the tour and have a terrific weekend.

  2. pretty neat art pieces. i like the natural beauty.

  3. What an amazing place! Although I must admit, those eyes scare me a little... But the roof looks like something from a fairytale. Thank you for the tour :-)

  4. Wonderful pictures! What a great place to visit! Thanks for sharing.

  5. love the pictures!!! it looks like a great place to visit. I read that Stephen King book "children of the corn". It freaked me out! hahaha

  6. I have indeed enjoyed this, Val. I love the objects cast into the bronze, and those rooftops are really beautiful.
    Thank you so much for sharing this here.

  7. What a cool place! You must go back to see what is indoors!

  8. What a great place to tour, It'd be fun to walk around all day admiring all the art. Have a great start of the week :)

  9. Gorgeous photos and what an interesting place to visit! I really love the pine tree with the glass eyes :D

  10. I'm mesmerized by the roof and those hearts in the landscape. So many treasures here.

  11. Great place to visit!!! nice photos!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  12. such a beautiful place,
    Great pictures too

  13. Wow, part one was incredible and part two was even more amazing :) The eyes in the tree were quite fascinating.

    Thanks for sharing, dear Val. Enjoy your day!

  14. What a great place! I love the sculptures. It's one of my favorite things to photograph.

  15. Truly amazing!! Would love to go here!!!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val