Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sitting Outside

We have had some beautiful days to enjoy sitting outside watching the birds and other wildlife.

This little girl is always hopping around! She has babies but I have only seen 1 so far.
We watched a hornet gather wood from the fence for its nest.
We saw babies being fed.
The most colorful birds we see are the bluejays and cardinals.
A young bluejay.
Once I get that camera lens attachment, these photos should be crystal clear!
This grackle cracked me up thinking he's hiding.
Mmmm! popcorn!
This guy looks a little angry.
While outside we love our watermelon and red wine. They go quite well together!
I hope you enjoyed our aviary friends! We have been treating them to popcorn, bread and tortilla chips. Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. There's a bunny and her babies in the communal garden where my mom lives :)
    Awesome shots of the birds. Seems like you can get quite close to them! I tried
    with the zoom but that scared them away! Need to try the watermelon and wine combo :)

  2. Wildlife is always so interesting to watch! You caught some really great moments Val. I love watermelon and red wine. Will have to try them together.

  3. i was grinning all the way through. love watching birds. and love the angry grackle faces, too. :)

  4. What fun photos! I love going to my grandma's because she has such a variety of birds that visit her deck. You got so many great shots here!

  5. Your grackle cracked me up! Love your bird shots. =)

  6. Bird watching is so fun,i love it.Beautiful pictures

  7. What a variety of birds! Mostly crows and doves over here. Any idea what kind of bird it is that ook off with the popcorn? Is that one of those bluejays? And I like the timing of the angry bird shot. I think he is in the middle of plotting how to get a piece of that watermelon!

  8. Oh Val, what great pictures! I love watching birds and seeing yours was a deight :) What a treat to see the mama bird feeding her young. I hope you are having a nice summer, my friend. Hugs!

  9. those bird pictures. I enjoy watching the wildlife outside...I need to make more time for that. My husband once "almost" tamed a wild bunny. He would come out when Chuck was feeding the horses, and would wait by Chuck's feet until he got some feed. We haven't seen him this year. :0(

  10. Great post! I have a bird feeder in my garden, so I get a daily dose of pigeons, doves, sparrows, and sometimes chaffinches and goldfinches as well. There are also always magpies, rookies, seagulls and jackdaws around, and I just love watching the lot! The angry bird shot is great :D
    And I'm seeing your post just after I came back from a walk along the river, and I just happened to see a whole... herd? of bunnies (if rabbits form herds, that is ;) You must live in a great place if you can see rabbits just being outside you house, I have to take a pretty long walk to have a chance of seeing any ;P

  11. ha! he does look like an angry bird! never tried watermelon and wine - sounds good tho

  12. I second Cynthia's comment about watermelon and wine umm! I loved the bird's pictures I have never seen a cardinal nor a bluejay :( their colors are so bright~

  13. Haha, I like seeing the different expressions on the birds' faces! That one does look mighty cranky. :-)

  14. Nice photos!!! I love the birds!!! I have one big guacamayo in my house!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!:)))
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  15. I love angry birds expression! It looks like you live in a zoo Val!

  16. They are wonderful, Val, and one of the very best things about summer.
    I just love that little bunny!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val