Saturday, August 29, 2015

Castle Hill - Part 1

Jim and I visited Castle Hill in Ipswich, MA. A first for both of us! This land was first owned by John Winthrop, Jr., the son of the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony back in 1637. 
Designed by David Adler
Afterwards it was owned and run by farmers. Today there is a mansion on site that was built by Richard T Crane who purchased the property in 1910 building the stately house in 1928.

Back Side
There are many charming elements about the home and exterior decor. Of course there are cranes!
Part of the coastal land has been donated to the state and is named Cranes Beach. I always thought that was due to the crane population in the area but apparently it has to due with the family name!
Inside has some gorgeous wood detailing.

I will be back next week with the grounds which are beyond amazing and immense. It has its own beach on the Atlantic but it was quite a hike to get to the shore! 

If you live in the area, I would recommend visiting. Besides the Great House, there are 4 miles of roads and trails to enjoy.  There is a schedule of concerts, movies and more that take place here. You can even book your wedding!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. What a fabulous and oh-so-gorgeous place to visit! Thanks, sweet friend, for sharing your pictures with us. I look forward to seeing part 2. Happy weekend!

  2. What a gorgeous estate!!! I love looking at mansions like this. The details that were put into it are amazing. Fabulous post Val.

  3. quite fanciful but nice, too! lots of unique sculptures.

  4. What a beautiful place this is, Val.
    I look forward to seeing the grounds.

  5. I love historical buildings and how cool you got to go inside! I could spend hours in that lovely library :)
    have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. such a beautiful place,i love the pictures

  7. Beautiful Val, I know the two of you enjoyed your visit to the mansion and the grounds. Looking forward to seeing more of in your next post.

  8. what a wonderful building a wedding there sounds nice!

  9. Beautiful place!!! nice photos!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  10. Gorgeous! I love touring historical homes. That library is stunning.

  11. What a beautiful home! I just love brick! And all the little details make it so special.

  12. What an amazing looking building, my favourite thing about it would be the pink fireplace!

  13. What a great place to visit! I have enjoyed both your posts. We just took a hike in the sand which took longer than expected. It was very tiring!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val