Saturday, August 15, 2015

Up to Lately

We are still enjoying the lazy days of summer and the hard to pull away from Netflix!
We see the occasional really cool sky!
I love when it is fire-like!
Our Boston ivy is out of control! The birds love it. Many little ones are born in here each year. It is amazing where they can build a nest.
This photo does not do the dragonfly justice. Each time the sun hit its wings, they shined gold. Stunning. Of course the camera did not pick up the shine in any photo!
There is tons of hawk activity here. They are really high up but sometimes can get quite close to us (when I don't have a camera handy). 
Mommy rabbit going for an itch. I see a bunny from time to time. Between the hawks and neighborhood cats I don't think many of her litter survived. 
This bug is super neat. Sort of dragonfly like.
Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy those beautiful days! ~Val


  1. the last one is a dragonfly, too. can't remember the name of it, though. love your lush ivy! gorgeous, gorgeous skies! and i'm always amazed how many bunnies we keep around here, too. between hawks and coyotes, dogs and cats, you'd think there'd be none left.

  2. you have captured the dog days of summer! we have hawks in the area here as well, and 'had' a bunny that we haven't seen in quite awhile. Makes me sad to think of its fate

  3. I love pink/orange skies too. We normally see those after a rainstorm!
    I've seen hawks...usually hovering above farmer's fields. Love the close ups of the insects :)

  4. wow,these pictures are so beautiful
    That dragonfly one is exceptionally stunning

  5. Beautiful photos and post!!!!
    Have a good week, dear Val!!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. Nice! Keep enjoying your Summer we're on triple digits this weekend! I just started thinking summer be gone!!

  7. You sure do take some beautiful pictures! I just love ivy. I wish I had some around here.

  8. Beautiful photos! I feel a little bit sad for Mummy Rabbit though :(

  9. Val, you always capture wildlife so beautifully! Love these!

  10. I love pretty shots of the sky, and you did not disappoint one bit! Beautiful.
    I also love that ivy (saw that one earlier on Instagram). And the dragonfly! That's a great one too. =0) I've never been able to get a good shot of a dragonfly, and I've tried many times. lol

  11. Beautiful photos. It seems like I never have my camera when I want to capture certain subjects. Out of all the deer that come through my yard, I have yet to capture one worth showing. The ivy is so gorgeous!

  12. LOVE that second shot of the sky! Great colors and silhouettes! Cool bug close ups too!

  13. It's pretty hard to take pictures of dragonflies. We have some here too but never got lucky to take a shot.

  14. Val, gorgeous pics! Really loved them! Big Hugs ;o)


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val