Saturday, February 27, 2016

New Roof and Chimney!

Our home insurance carrier sent out an inspector a couple of weeks after closing as the companies normally do. I did not think anything of it. Then we got a phone call that they were going to cancel their coverage! What?!?! 

The main reason being the condition of our roof and chimney. We budgeted for this but were going to wait for warmer weather like normal people but the insurance people had a different time line in mind!

Here is was before. 
The chimney was rough, no doubt. The roof was not horrendous though but we were planning on replacing it anyway.
Luckily we are having a strange winter weather wise and we could get this work done. The other bonus was that the contractors don't have a bunch of jobs lined up either so they came out right away. I think it was only a week since being notified by the insurance company and then having the contractors starting their work. Amazing!
The chimney guy and the roof guy knew each other well and were able to coordinate efforts which was a beautiful thing!

I'm very proud of this since I dealt with the contractors for the most part getting referrals, contacting them, getting estimates, etc. We are extremely pleased with our choices. 

I wish I filmed us trying to choose the roof shingles! We were all over the place from light grey to medium grey to black. Who knew that would be a difficult choice! We ultimately decided on a charcoal grey which is perfect.

Going Bold 
How so? Going natural meaning all gray! I have been battling gray hair since my teens and it has become way too stubborn in recent years. I'm done coloring! So to get there quicker I have started with a bob.
The Dreaded Selfie
Here you can see what my hair color is going to be! Yikes! I have never been one to worry what people think so I'm just going to rock going gray in my early 40s!

Where did this inspiration come from? A fabulous documentary on Iris Apfel that is on Netflix. I highly recommend looking it up if you have Netflix and feel in need of a little inspiration in your life. What an icon!
Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a fabulous week ahead! ~Val


  1. The grey shingles look amazing with the white exterior of the house! Great choice and I'm glad everything came together so well - and quickly :)
    My grey is quite obvious in my dark hair, but the plant-based coloring I use covers it up quite well. I know it's a chore, but I'm not ready to go all grey yet ;-) Yes, Iris Apfel is quite a character!

  2. Val, I love your haircut. Yup, you are going to rock gray!
    Congratulations on that beautiful new roof too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Hi V. :)

    Roof is looking amazing :)

    I know all too well that roofing colour challenge, last house we put a similar colour to yours on our white house but this time when we had to re-roof I know I wanted to go crazy, so I went red with a yellow house :) It cheers up the gray northwest winter's for me ;)

    Happy weekend, cheers, T. :)

  4. Your house is so beautiful and friendly! Great work!
    I admire your courage going grey. But I am so not ready for that step.

  5. Your house looks wonderful! Love your choice of roof tiles :) You are brave dealing with it all though - seems like a big job! Very brave with the hair too! I keep saying that I'm going to do the same thing, then I give up and get it coloured :( I am also done with the colouring... PS. I wrote about the cyclamens on my blog, if you are interested

  6. wow! that is fast for a roof and chimney! and it looks fabulous. We've had so much trouble finding someone who will replace our chimney ... and in these old houses you really need to have that done. Love the grey and a bob is the perfect way to go!

  7. Wow, what a beautiful house! You look fabulous, it's so good and cool to go natural.:)

  8. I am so happy that everything worked out perfectly with your roof and chimney! You were meant to fix it now! Val, I think you look great! Seriously, I do! My problem is, I lost a lot of hair when I was sick and I am going grey! So, I started to colour my hair to make it look thicker and grow it longer. Seriously, my hair is see through thin! So, I started to wear hats! LOL! I am liking my hats, they are cool! I am all over the place! LOL! Keep being you!!!

  9. The house looks amazing! the grey you picked looks lovely! Glad to hear things are going as planned!
    btw,the hair cut looks nice on you :)

  10. Okay, you just encouraged me with your beautiful photo. I have been struggling with gray hair for the last few years and recently it has gotten more pronounced....a lot in the front and it likes to "spring" out in all the wrong places :) I am going to be 30 this year. I don't color my hair and didn't want to go the direction so thank you for being an inspiration! You, sweet Val, are simply lovely and I really like your bob.

    Also, your chimney looks fabulous! Hugs!

  11. Wow lovely house!!!!
    Have a nice day, dear Val!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  12. oh that gray you remember me blogging about molasses? yeah well I stop drinking it during the pregnancy and after Emma was born with all that pre diabetes I didn't even want to mess with it either. So yeah I have more than my mom :( it's a pain but I am not ready to go gray yet! I might look like Emma's mom jajaja!

    You are so brave and you will rock! I have to check that documentary. Nice roof your house is looking better every time :)

  13. Beautiful post dear! I like this a lot.

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  14. The new roof looks great. I love the color...goes really well with the shutters. It's always nice when the contractors can work together, and get thing done quickly!
    Gray hair looks distinguished :) You'll rock it!

  15. Your house looks lovely with it's new roof and chimney.
    I'll be joining you on the going grey thing - I've decided to stop dying my hair too. I will be having lowlights put in my hair to help break up and disguise the dreaded skunk stripe as it grows out though. I might even be brave enough to post some photos on my blog {maybe.......?} :D

  16. Val, you guys did a great job selecting the color of the roof. It works beautifully with the house. Insurance companies are so cold! They don't give people time at all, but so glad you got it down. Your gray will look GORGEOUS! I'm not quite ready, but that's what I plan on doing.

  17. The new roof looks awesome! A darker color was a great choice for your house. I can't wait to see what you guys do next!

    And high-five for embracing your natural gray. I'm 30 and though I've had a few gray hairs in my bangs for several years, it's like nature decided to jump-start things in my new decade. There are a million sparkly gray hairs on the top of my head now. At least I'm tall so most people can't see them. Hahaha!

  18. you have such a beautiful house
    Love the after picture

  19. The charcoal gray is perfect! Your home has a new look just by updating the roof.

    You can totally do the gray hair too. I love it when ladies use Shimmering Light and their gray hair sparkles. :-)

  20. Have a wonderful weekend, doll!!!!!!:)))

  21. Getting a new roof is definitely a good way for you to increase the value of your home, and it’s good that you looked into hiring a pro to do this type of work for you. You should never attempt to put on or repair a roof on your own because it can all be downright dangerous work.

    Pleasance Faast @ Shelton Roof

  22. Wow, it must have been pretty stressful to have the insurance company put you in such a situation! What great luck that you managed to find contractors to do the work so quickly. It's helpful when trades people have a small community, know each other, talk and recommend each one another for their individual skills. The new roof looks great!

    Terence Warner @ Brunwin Roofing


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val