Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Timmerman Trail and Congaree Creek Heritage Preserve

The connected Timmerman Trail and Congaree Creek Heritage Preserve are located in Cayce, SC.

It is by far my favorite nature walk around here since you never know what wildlife you will see (as shown below).
These are part of the Cayce Riverwalk that we enjoy so much. Paved pathways meander through the woods for a peaceful walk (or run or bike ride).
It meanders along the Congaree Creek (that is off the Congaree River). Boardwalks have been installed where needed.
On the banks we spotted my first wild alligator!!! This dude was off in the distance so here is the best photo we got.
This one I never really expected to see, a timber rattlesnake!
In this photo below you can see its rattle in the upper left corner!
It was quite intimidating but as long as you don't bother them, they will not bother you.
We also saw my first skink!
How amazing is that blue tail? 

We also spotted our first butterfly of the season which is a zebra swallowtail. Gorgeous!
One of our walks was after heavy rain, so snails were crossing the pathways.

It is full of little bits of nature, much of which is new to me living in a different climate. These seed pods were always brown up north. They are pretty pink things down here.
There is all sorts of wild and crazy growth attaching itself to trees. Just gorgeous!
Some of it looks magical.

For trail head and parking information, please click here since there are multiple locations. Cayce Riverwalk

I hope you enjoyed our wooded stroll. We are getting as many walks in as we can before the buggy, super hot southern weather kicks in for the summer!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. I am so happy to note your reaction to the rattlesnake. As you quite correctly point out leave them alone and they are happy to leave you alone too. There is far too much wanton killing of snakes without any valid reason. They are a part of any healthy ecosystem.

    1. Thank you David. It is interesting how every creature has an important role in the environment.

  2. I think i need to go on nature walks with you - you seem to find such interesting places. How long is the path you walk on ...We went to a place called Heaps Peak the other day to walk - i think it is just about a mile but for exercise we try to walk it three times or so. But really nothing was blooming yet (it's at about 7000 feet) even the Pacific Dogwoods which usually start blooming by now have just got the tiniest little evidence of leaves starting to sprout. I'm always looking for good places to have nature walks. Love all your photos.

    1. I have know idea how long the trails are. They are part of over 20 miles of trails in this one town. There are plans to connect the riverwalks from the northwest part of the state all the way to the Atlantic. That will be amazing if it gets happens! I would be amazed at walks in CA too since nature can vary so much in different areas. Dogwoods are finishing up blooming here now. They were beautiful!

  3. by the way I looked at your jewelry recently and you have some really nice pieces. I've always thought jewelry making would be a wonderful thing to learn.

    1. Thank you Sandy. Jewelry making is a lot of fun. Youtube is perfect for learning new techniques or even just getting started. It started as a hobby for me and slowly evolved into a business.

  4. So great you managed to capture some wild life with the cam. That alligator looks very impressive and the rattlesnake is quite a sight. You're right about snakes probably leaving us alone if we keep our distance. They are not likely to attack humans if they don't feel endangered. We are not their natural pray. When it comes to snakes, I don't have a phobia but I tend to keep my distance from the vipers. Only one snake is really poisonous here, and while I'm not afraid of the others, but when I see that poisonous one, I try to get away as soon as possible. I like to see our local 'boa' snakes, as they are not very common so it is interesting to see them. I'm not sure they are true boas either, I think they belong to the so called family of dwarf boas, or maybe there is a whole another name for such snake in Europe? I'm not sure I'd have to check. Once my husband and I saw a giant snake that took five minutes to cross the road, it was gone by the time we saw it. Truth be told, I think it was an escaped pet, an anaconda or something like that. I don't think such snakes are native to these parts.

    Beautiful photos of nature as well. I always feel so inspired when I take a walk in the woods. Nature really is a great artist.

    1. Thank you Ivana. I keep my distance from the snakes too since I don't know which are dangerous and which are harmless. It sounds like you have some interesting ones over there! Nature walks are one of my favorite things to do. It always relaxes and recharges my soul.

    2. yes, there is something in nature walks. I like to stroll around the city but it is never as relaxing as strolling in nature.

  5. Well it sure does seem like you saw a lot of different critters on your walk. I love the bridge shots and all the pics of the critters. Thanks for taking us a long on your walk.

  6. Gators? Snakes? NOOOOOOOOOO! The skink is cute though.

    1. Gators and snakes are scary critters! Luckily the gator was far away. The rattlesnake on the other hand was right next to the pathway!

  7. The riverwalk is beautiful, Val -- but I can't say I'd be thrilled to see the snakes or the aligators! But it's a beautiful haven, isn't it.

  8. Magical indeed! Your walks have become quite the mindfulness practice :)

  9. Las fotos son preciosas! 💛💛💛 Te espero por mi blog! Feliz día! 🌷🌷🌷

  10. The area is very cool, magical and beautiful, but you can have the alligators and the snakes! LOL! Big Hugs and Happy Easter Val!

  11. This looks like an amazing place to visit! That blue tail on the skink? was so very neat.

  12. Through the lovely photographs you've shared I did enjoy the wooded stroll, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  13. I am a bit behind with your blog. I've been busy with Passover! Looks like you have been on some great outings. That skink is amazing! Not sure I could have taken pics of the rattlesnake!

    1. Jim took the rattlesnake photo! I was very uncomfortable but he has lived in places where there are rattlesnakes and knows their behavior much better than me.

  14. It's always so great to see how much you're enjoying and exploring your new home!

  15. amazing that you could take picture of wild life, even a snake.
    Have a wonderful weekend


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val