Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Columbia Museum of Art

The Museum of Art in Columbia, SC is a great place to check out. Its collection is diverse and the overall size is perfect for being able to enjoy the museum in its entirety within a couple of hours.
I would recommend going on a Saturday morning during the Soda City Market when it is half price (only $5). Street parking is free at that time.

Of course I also recommend fueling up at a Market food truck first. I went for something sinful at The Belgium Waffle Truck.
The newly renovated museum courtyard is great for eating your goodies and/or people/dog watching.
Inside you can find ancient art dating back as far as the 2nd Century from Greece and Rome.
To modern sculptures that leave me a little uncomfortable.
Beauties that I enjoy like Autumn Landscape (1835) by Thomas Doughty.
Or Still Life (c. 1850) by Severin Roesen.
Modern art is really not my thing but it is fun, particularly this gallery with quirky floor art and a Warhol piece.
This colorful happy piece catches my eye. It is Diane's Vase (1998) by Janet Fish. 

Here is Diana the Huntress, the Roman goddess of the moon, the hunt and wild animals.

This wedding chest (cassone) was carved c. 1550 by an unknown artisan in Italy. The stunning carvings are biblical scenes.
Jackson Pollack's Mural (1943) is currently on display at the museum. The piece is massive in size so here I am showing it vastness.
Not typically a style that I am into but I do enjoy Head (c. 1929) by Alfred Henry Maurer. 
This beautiful piece is Sunbath (1924) by Richard Edward Miller, American. Impressionistic, but not too much so.
I will leave you with a fun one, Turistas by Lorenzo Homar, Puerto Rican.
I hope you enjoyed this sampling from the museum. It really has a little bit of everything to enjoy.

If you go:
1515 Main Street
Columbia, SC
open 10am - 5pm daily (closed Mondays)
General admission is $10. Photography is encouraged to share your experience.

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. It looks like a wonderful museum! Thanks for letting me see it through your eyes.

  2. Art museums, and other museums for that matter, are important components of a healthy, vibrant, progressive community. Even if you don't absorb everything on a first visit (in fact you never do) the exhibits start to have an influence on you and you are all the better for it. There will always be displays that don't appeal to your particular taste, but it is nevertheless good to be exposed to different genres and styles. I am sure you always enjoy your visits there,

    1. This is so true! The diversity of this museum is one of its aspects I appreciate most.

  3. I love an artist I love it. But there are some I just don't understand at all. I love the hands in the air and I love the large piece you are standing in front of....NICE.

    1. Thank you Pam. That is what is so interesting about art. Different pieces and styles speak to different people.

  4. a lot of beautiful images...and... your smile is so sweet...
    "Or Still Life (c. 1850) by Severin Roesen." is so impressive...

    Have a wonderful weekend

  5. Love the Diana the Huntress sculpture!

  6. Such a wonderful museum, it would be great to visit it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I also love to visit museums, and I've certainly enjoyed your sampling. Diana the Huntress is intriguing. There is a sculpture like this (though the huntress is heavily built) found in one of the streets of Johannesburg, I wonder if it's the same Diana. :) Anyway, thank you for sharing your lovely day at the museum.

    1. Diana the Huntress is such a great subject. There was another bronze sculpture of her in the museum that was completely different, more abstract.

  8. I'd be joining you for a funnel cake, Val! I loved the two paintings that you showed at the beginning, which you loved, too. That Jackson Pollack piece is enormous! Thanks for the tour with you.

  9. This museum seems like a great place to visit. I enjoy visiting museums and galleries. There is always so much to experience when viewing art, and even if a particular exhibition proves not to be my cup of tea, I'm always left with impression that I learned something. I see a lot of interesting art in this museum, thanks for sharing. Sunbath is a beautiful painting, I wasn't familiar with it. I like what you say about it being impressionist but not overly so. It's almost a mixture in style. I tend to prefer classical to modern art, but sometimes I enjoy modern art too. I enjoyed this post a lot.

    1. Thank you Ivana. The diversity at this museum is perfect. I prefer classical as well but find occasional modern pieces that I love. The artist who painted Sunbath was American. In following French Impressionism, he did not want to stray too far from structure. The result is so beautiful.

    2. I am enjoy visiting museum and galleries too

    3. It is a beautiful painting indeed. I love that one can see the influence of the French Impressionism (and I do love that style) but it still feels like an original and unique work.

  10. I see classic art combine with modern art. It was new experience. Someday, I interested in visiting that museum & gallery. Now, I follow your blog. Thx

  11. There are some beautiful pieces here. I'm with you on the more contemporary stuff but the Mao exhibit looks fun and colorful -- I could work with that! Definitely some fabulous acquisitions here. And that waffle looks delicious -- and you look delighted eating it!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. That was my first liege waffle ever with a special sugar from Belgium! Amazing!

  12. Que lugar lindo!
    VocĂȘ tem muito bom gosto em seus passeios.

  13. Fun to see your pretty self - and really enjoyed all the art pieces!

    You must never stay home - like me - always off on new adventures - how fun!

    1. Thank you Sandy. I am working on getting over my camera shyness. My blog makes me look so outgoing when in reality I am a total homebody. Of course I do like to get out and have fun on the weekends!

    2. well if i could take a good picture i would put one up but it's been years, lol. Yours is quite should post more them more often.

    3. I am trying. It is hard for me to understand the world of selfies these days!

  14. What a lovely post.
    An interesting museum with a wide range of pieces and styles.
    I particularly liked 'Autumn Landscape' by Thomas Doughty.

    Great to see you in the pictures too enjoy both the ice-cream and the paintings :)

    All the best Jan

  15. What a great place, I would love to visit it☺

  16. I love art museums, I also appreciate modern art! I haven't been to one for ages. That Belgian waffle looks so good :)

    1. It is so enjoyable to browse all the art. That was my first Belgium waffle with liege pearl sugar. Amazing especially when I didn't know this sugar existed!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val