Saturday, February 29, 2020

It's Alive! - Part I

The latest special exhibit at the Columbia Museum of Art is a fantastically fun one!
Kirk Hammett (lead guitarist of Metallica) is sharing his personal collection of classic horror and sci-fi art.

Palo Alto Productions, 1954

Universal Studios, 1935
Hammett credits these old movies for sparking his creativity thru the fear, anxiety and empathy they cause.

Universal Studios, 1942

Most of these posters are unfortunately uncredited so the artists are unknown.

American International Pictures, 1965
Universal Pictures, 1931

The exhibit also includes foreign posters, such as this Swedish ones.
Universal Picture, 1933
This German poster regarded a film that portrayed the contradictions of mechanical progress and social justice at the time.
Universum Film, 1927
The wackier, the better! As television gained popularity as a source of entertainment, studios had to get more creative to lure movie goers.
Iselin-Tenney Productions, 1964
Mock horror existed back in the day too. I thought Mel Brooks was the first to do so with Young Frankenstein!
Universal Pictures, 1948
Universal Pictures, 1935

Columbia Pictures, 1955
Dracula's Daughter has my favorite wording "she gives you that weird feeling!"
Columbia Pictures, 1936

Tempean Films, 1958
American Releasing Corporation, 1955

A beautiful French poster of Beauty and The Beast.
DisCina, 1946

Paramount Pictures, 1932

Columbia Pictures, 1959
This exhibit inspired us to search Amazon Prime when we got home for one of these wacky films. We watched Day The World Ended (1955). IMDB users rate this one 5.4 out of 10. It was pretty bad but totally appropriate for the day! I suppose it was an exciting, scary flick at the time.

Of course there were many more including a wide variety of the typical horror classics we think of like Dracula and Frankenstein. 

If you go, located at 
1515 Main Street
Columbia, SC
open daily 10am - 5pm (closed Mondays)
general admissions is $10 ($5 during Soda City Market on Saturdays)

Thank you for stopping by! Next post will be include other entertaining memorabilia from these genres.  ~Val


  1. Val, you are a model for people to emulate, someone who gets out and enjoys all that your city has to offer. There are so many cultural, natural and special places for the inquisitive observer, but so few take the time to explore what is available. I really commend you and your adventuresome spirit and I always look forward to a new post.

    1. Awww! Thank you David. My husband and I made some big changes to our lifestyle recently so that we could get out and enjoy the simple things in life. Nature and culture really bring us so much joy.

  2. What a fab, fun exhibit! I'd definitely take it in! HRH loves the poster with the black cat on it but my fave is the "crawling eye" one -- oooooo, creepy!

    1. I hope this exhibit makes its way up to you guys! There was more than 1 black cat poster to marvel at. The Crawling Eye is great!

  3. That's so cool! I like the metropolis poster. :)

  4. yes, love to watched Dracula and Frankenstein.....
    exciting exhibition...
    have a wonderful weekend for you and yours

  5. Hi! Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
    I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

  6. I would adore this exhibit! These are terrific photos!

    1. It is super fun Jeanie. It is organized by the Peabody Essex Museum in MA so hopefully it makes its way across the country and to your area.

  7. OMH the horror of it all...yikes that was my poor attempt at humor. I enjoyed seeing all these horror posters. I use to love the old old horror shows - i'm so old I remember the original Dracula and Wolfman - ...of course Frankenstein. My favorite horror movie of all time is the original Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis. Sounds like a cool place to visit.

    1. Perfect line! You must like being scared Sandy! Those more modern movies like ones with Mike Myers or Freddie I can't handle.

  8. Looks an amazing exhibit.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    Happy March Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. I like the Beauty and The Beast poster but the rest are not for me! Glad you enjoyed it though.

    1. Thank you Lisa. Beauty and The Beast is one of my favorite. The artwork is gorgeous.

  10. Thank you Chelsey. It is a super fun exhibit!

  11. Such cool, amazing art!! Val, I have to apologize again, for not coming around so often! Big Hugs!

    1. Never apologize for such a thing Stacy! Life is more important than blog reading. :)

  12. I haven't been to the state museum in a few years, but this looks like a pretty cool exhibit! The SC State Museum held my College Formal back in 2008, and there was an exhibit about movies shot here in South Carolina. It was so glamourous and fun!

    1. The Formal must have been so fun at the museum. I would love to see an exhibit with movies shot here. I am sure they will do something like that again in the future.


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val