Sunday, May 12, 2019

Springtime at the Riverbanks Botanical Gardens

We stop by the Riverbanks Botanical Gardens in Columbia, SC every 2 - 3 weeks to see all the changes. Here are some recent photos.
All the flowers are real even though some look artificial due to their perfection.

This is a pineapple guava tree blooming. It looks a bit like a Christmas decoration.
Huge leaves are showing.

This lantern is the red tiger flowering maple below. These have been difficult to photograph since it is always breezy around here!

Wedding decorations have been left from the night before. What a backdrop for a couple!

Below is a bottlebrush tree. Not the best photo but I laughed when I noticed the lizard hanging out to the left after uploading the photo! These trees are so cool. They look just like bottle brushes.

Below is a pomegranate tree blooming. The color is stunning!

The passion fruit flower. This flower amazes me more than any other due to its uniqueness.
The carnivores plants are loving the heat and humidity!
I hope you enjoyed some of the recent blooms here. 

Most of the flowers we are seeing are first time experiences for both Jim and I so it is such a treat!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. Obviously a fine place to visit and it is not hard to see why you return so regularly. It is both enjoyable and educational, a combination that is hard to beat. Great series of pictures too.

    1. Thank you David. I feel very fortunate to have a place like this to enjoy all year round.

  2. Those lantern flowers are especially magnificent!

    1. They are so magnificent. I have never seen flowers like that before until moving south!

  3. You look adorable in that red dress. Such a lovely shot! This botanic garden is gorgeous. The flowers are so pretty and the plants are wonderful.

  4. Oh BEAUTIFUL. I love all those flowers. how there is the pic of you and the dress smack dab in the center of all those flowers. I love...

    1. Thank you Pam. I had to take advantage of the wedding decor when it was there!

  5. Green Lizard closes to a bottlebrush tree looks cool...and you looks so pretty.

    Thank you for sharing a lot of beautiful images

    1. Thank you Tanza. We were thinking about planting a bottle brush tree in our yard. I have never seen one like it before until we moved to this area. They grow amazingly well here!

  6. That's a great shot with the lizard and bottlebrush! And I love that huge green bloom near the top of this post. What a great color. How fun to get there after the wedding and see the decorations, too. It's a wonderful garden and you hit it at a perfect time.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. This garden amazes me every time we visit! Next time we go, there will be all sorts of other new blooms to enjoy!

  7. The lantern is so pretty, but she looks quite sad.

    Thank you for sharing amazing photos.

    1. Thank you Evi. The lantern did have a lot of friends hanging about. :)

  8. Oh your flower photos are so lovely! I think the lizard one is very charming. Thank you for sharing them!

  9. Such a beautiful flowers and these pictures are amazing!

  10. Wow, those flowers are simply stunning!☺

  11. Oh my Val, what beautiful images you've captured, and so many usual plants/flowers that I've never seen.

    1. Thank you Kitty! We are new to this climate so many of these we have not seen either until now. Nature is marvelous!

  12. The blooms here are all so lovely, and amazing colours.
    Love the lizard by the bottle brush tree!

    All the best Jan

  13. wow, love them all and your dress matches the garden! So pretty. And glad you named the red flowering maple lantern thing..because I've taken some beautiful photos of some up in Harmony California but didn't know what they were.

    1. How interesting to note the flowering maple lanterns are in CA too. I have never seen them before moving to SC.

  14. Wow Val! Truly WOW!! Amazing! So beautiful! That photo of you is so pretty! You look wonderful! Your soul is shining! Big Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val