Friday, May 31, 2019

Swan Lake - Part 1

Swan Lake is located in Sumter, SC. 

It is the only public park in the U.S. with all 8 swan species.
These include the Trumpeter Swan, Black Australian Swan, Whistler Swan, Bewick Swan, Royal White Mute Swan, Black Necked Swan, Coscoroba Swan and Whooper Swan. 

This is not just a place for swans to call home, but also ducks, geese and as you can see, turtles. 

This was the fastest turtle I have ever seen. He ran to the feeder and ran back to the water. Perhaps they get accidentally stepped on by the big birds. Maybe bullied?
The lake is dotted with islands. It appears the swans enjoy all the nooks and crannies when seeing one disappearing into privacy below. 
The lake is also loaded with bald cypress trees.
 Cypress knees are throughout the coastline.
It was a time of new residents growing up.

An ideal place to take a time out from life and soak up some nature. There is a place for refreshments but guests can also bring their own picnic lunch.

Statues include sculptor Grainger McCoy's Recovery Wing. This piece is 18 feet of stainless steel.  

In the artist's words “(this is the) wing position that is considered the weakest in bird flight, yet in the artist’s eye is the position with the most beauty and grace. All of us are in recovery somewhere in our lives, as is our environment, of which Swan Lake is a unique part.”

If you go, open daily 7:30am to dusk, free of charge.
822 West Liberty Street (US 763)
Sumter, SC

The only warning I would give is that big birds do not smell pretty. Other than that, this place is perfect.

Next post will include the gardens at the lake.

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. Such a fabulous place and these swans look absolutely amazing!

  2. Oh how nice. I really love the statues placed here and there. That looks like a really cool place and very interesting learning about the swans.

    1. Next time we visit I will have to take on the challenge of trying to identify the swans.

  3. Ah, a little eau de swan will be good for everyone! It would be a great place for the novice birder to study the various species.

  4. Oh Val! What a glorious spot. The birds are wonderful and I could see settling in there (well, we'll see about the smell!) It's pretty hilarious about the turtle. I wonder what his story was?

    1. The turtle cracked me up. He was running seriously fast for a little shelled creature!

  5. I didn't know there were eight different species of swans! You have educated me today.

  6. I really enjoyed watching your pictures. How lovely and interesting. I also love the sculptures. Great!

  7. Aww, those black swans are gorgeous. The park looks lovely, such a wonderful place to walk and even to have a picnic. Love your pictures.

  8. Absolute bliss! Your posts are just wonderful; they make me pause and breathe. And seeing nature from another nature lover's perspective is a joy. What lovely park this is, and I love swans. <3

  9. Beautiful swans and Cypress knees!
    Love your pics!

  10. Swan Lake is truly enchanting. I loved seeing all the birds. That water turtle looks very cute. Water turtles are amazingly quick. It must be because of the swimming muscles.

    The statues are fantastic, especially the one of the bird in flight.

    1. Thank you Ivana. I never really thought about those swimming muscles of the water turtles. This little guy was a strong one!

  11. Shame about the smell but looks like a lovely place!

    1. Yes, the smell is a rough but you get used to it after a few minutes. :)

  12. I have never seen black swans in real life, they look so graceful and delicate. This place looks amazing, I would also love to visit it and enjoy its beauties.
    I love your blog, amazing content and beautiful presentation.

    1. Thank you Flo. The black swans are gorgeous. I love seeing them together with the white ones. Beautiful!

  13. great pics of all those swans - ...i'm particularly fond of swans... they are my looks like a really pretty place to visit.

  14. You’re so lucky to have so many wonderful places to visit!

    1. We do feel very fortunate to live in such a beautiful region.

  15. Oh, if I lived nearby I would certainly visit, it looks a fabulous place.
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs, the swans and statues … just lovely.

    All the best Jan


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val