Sunday, June 9, 2019

The South Carolina Festival of Flowers - Part 1

The South Carolina Festival of Flowers takes place annually for the entire month of June in Greenwood.

Milak is the mother elephant.
Her baby is Horton.

We were very impressed with the topiary display which is currently throughout Greenwood's uptown area.

Here is Dino Dude the T-Rex.

The side of him was quite impressive with a wide variety of plants.
The festival includes a whimsical display of topiary trees dotting the town.

Sweet Caroline the butterfly.
This college town is home to Lander University. Below is their mascot, a bearcat. I guess that is a cross between a bear and a cat?!
The Gamecock is the mascot of the University of South Carolina.

My favorite is the Jeep.
 Wouldn't it be fun to hop into this vehicle?

Here is Emmett the Citadel Bulldog.
A duck and turtle habitat.

Flora the flamingo.

The monkey faces are priceless!
Stanley the Stork.
Kasasa the tiger.

Bubbles the seahorse.

The printable map provides the names as well as further information on what each topiary is composed of.

Each piece is sponsored. The topiaries and flowers are maintained by the City of Greenwood, Public Works Department and Horticulture Department.

If you go:
Uptown Greenwood South Carolina
Open daily, free of charge throughout the month of June.

More to follow in my next post.

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. The South Carolina Flower Festival looks like a great event to visit. I'm amazed by all this creativity. The plant and tree statues are so impressive. I love the dog one. The bird plant sculptures are very beautiful as well.

    I love to visit Floral Festivals. When I was younger and lived in Split, I went to a Floral Festival every year. My friend's mother was a florist and she won awards for her floral arrangement a couple of times. It was always fun to visit.

    1. It is an impressive display! Those who work with flowers and plants like this are such amazing artists. I am sure your friend's mom is one of them.

  2. I suspect that most people outside the immediate area are unaware of this festival, but flowers are a very good reason to celebrate and I am sure you look forward to it each year.

    1. Luckily we receive a monthly magazine from our electric co-op. It features events throughout the state bringing attention to events we may otherwise never know about. This one was a winner!

  3. Çok güzel . Yapay mı gerçek çiçek mi bunlar?

    1. They are all made with real flowers and plants! It is quite amazing.

  4. The topiary is magnificent -- I can't pick a favourite because they're all so great! I wonder if "bearcat" is another name for a wolverine?

    1. Maybe a bearcat is a wolverine. I will have to Google that.

    2. A bearcat is a lesser known species of animal. They're pretty weird looking.

    3. It is amazing all the species of animals we are unaware of!

  5. Topiaries that just look like balls never knock me out but when I see ones like this -- shaped into very real (or unreal!) animals, I am in awe of the skill it takes to pull it off. Thee are terrific and I would love to see them in person!

    1. It was such creative fun to see! The variety amazed me!

  6. Kasasa the Tiger is showing his rrooaarrr :)

    They are so beautiful, Miss Val.
    Thank you sharing the photos.

  7. Wow,I have never seen anything like that before, so creative and beautiful☺

  8. This is not something I've seen before. Love that you've shared lots of pictures.

  9. Horton is very sweet. I actually really like the flamingo too! Looks fun.

  10. Great event and everything looks so cute!:)

  11. Have a lovely start of the week!

  12. everywhere...
    wonderful photo of you and car.....

  13. This looks a great event and certainly one I'd enjoy if I lived near!
    The topiary display is simply amazing … great photographs, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  14. So pretty. I love the flamingo and elephant one.

  15. So cool Val!!!! Love them all!!! Big Hugs!

  16. these are so amazing. I love that big black bird (crow?) This would be something to see in person. Does it smell good there..I would think so.

    1. The bird is the Gamecock which is the mascot for the University of South Carolina's football team. He seems to be iconic around here! It does smell pretty walking along all the flowers.

  17. I think my favorite is the jeep, too! You get to go to the prettiest spots!

    1. We are very lucky here! Having so much to do and see has something to do with the climate (I think). We have only lived in the area for 10 months so we are continuing to explore our surroundings.


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val