Sunday, September 28, 2014

Traap Crafts and More and Rose Gold Earring Wires

Rose Gold Earring Wires
I recently added a couple of styles of 14kt rose gold filled ear wires to my shop. This is the more popular seller. Such a simple, elegant wire! 

Rose gold seems to be making a comeback. I like seeing it mixed with other metals! These are available in my Etsy shop.

Traap Crafts and More
It was time to treat myself since it has been a while!!!

These are my new crocheted yoga socks from Traap Crafts and More of Etsy. If any of you do yoga, you know it just can't be done in regular socks!
Yoga Socks
I also got this eco friendly Swiffer cover! I love the yarn. So I can Swiffer in my yoga socks and match!
Swiffer Cover
This shop is full of goodies! Like slouchy hats.
Crocheted Hat
 Really cute boot cuffs for extra warmth.
Boot Cuffs
How about a soap saver scrubby? I've never used one of these. It looks fun to use in the shower!
Soap Saver Scrubby
There are also patterns for the crocheter in this shop.
Crocheted Hat Pattern
Stop by Traap Crafts and More next time you are looking for crocheted goodies!

Thank you for stopping by! Have a fabulous Fall week! ~Val


  1. The earwires are lovely! I've been seeing more rose gold lately too!
    Ooh, the yoga socks are great! And I'm loving the boot cuffs :)
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend so far!

  2. great new earwires Val! and love the yoga socks those are awesome - lots of great things in their shop

  3. I wish I knew how to crochet, because I love that beanie in the last photo!

  4. Those slouchy hats are cool! Oh, if only I looked good in hats.

  5. Those ear wires are so nice, Val. Beautifully simple.

    You sure got some great goodies on Etsy. Love those yoga socks!

    I hope you had a great weekend, and I wish you a wonderful week ahead.

  6. pretty earrings and crochet products!

  7. Love your new ear wires!
    I'm giggling at your swiffering in your matching socks :)

  8. I'm so glad that rose gold is coming back. I always liked it!

    Nice to treat yourself. We just bought a new swiffer, our old one was so outdated. I have a ton of fleece leftover from a project and I'm going to make me some covers for it. The challenge will be to keep clear of the wet jets.

  9. I love wearing rose gold these days
    I love their color
    and they don't fade.

    The crochet hat pattern looks interesting
    let me see if I can handle it. I am actually
    pretty good in crocheting, well that is just my opinion.

  10. Rose gold is really popular now so I'm not surprised they are a best seller.
    I can just imagine you swiffing in your matching socks and cover, you just need a slouchy hat to complete the look now :D

  11. I have always been a big fan of rose gold ~ great ear wires! those yoga socks and boot cuffs are so cool!

  12. Okay, those earrings are amazing! Love them :)

    And I love all of the crocheted goodness you shared with us - the Swiffer cover is great!

  13. I love those earrings!!! nice trends!!!
    Have a good week!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  14. I love rose gold! I think it's so pretty!
    You are too cute, having matching yoga socks with a swiffer cover! LOL!
    The store looks excellent! Thanks for sharing my friend ;o)
    Hope you are well ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  15. The swifter cover looks like a great idea. Very eco friendly.

  16. I love crochet goodies! Perfect for holiday stockings!

  17. They look stunning.
    Love those earring

  18. Small world. The owners of Traap Crafts and More are in my city. I remember teaching (the her from the his and her team) how to crochet a circle and I'm excited to see how their work has transformed since then. I don't get to crochet much these days, but I can always appreciate quality work. Enjoy! :-)


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val