Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The South Carolina State House

The State House in Columbia, SC is a must see for tourists and locals alike.
The grounds are impressive year round. We have officially walked through during every season.
In the spring, there was this beautiful garden bed with the state symbol formed by flowers.
Now a garden is flourishing here.
The above photos are the back of the house. The front is not as picturesque (in my opinion).
George Washington stands in front.
There is a stunning bronze relief monument in honor of African Americans.  
It is difficult to photograph, but here is a close up of part of the monument. 
A mini Liberty Bell resides here as well.
The grounds include pathways through gardens, beautiful trees and flowering shrubs.
The crepe mrytles are stunning here in the summer. Now if we can get ours at home to bloom like this it would be fabulous!
This palmetto below is all metal and quite impressive.
There are other beautiful monuments dotting the property.
That is a bird on this gentleman's head (Strom Thurmond).
We have not toured the inside yet. Per the website, it appears one can go on either a free self guided tour or an organized one.

If you go, located at 1100 Gervais St in Columbia, SC.

I hope you enjoyed this exterior view.

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. The whole area looks quite beautiful, and I am sure is well worthy of repeat visits. I am just not sure that Strom Thurmond is a fitting figure to be memorialized with a statue. It never ceases to amaze me that avowed segregationists like him had no qualms about having sex with a black woman and later in life he acknowledged his mixed race daughter. It is good to see you dotted around the landscape!

    1. The south has its share of monuments that should no longer be. Hopefully over time there will be more change. We also notice a lot of positive monuments and memorials, like the African American piece here, which of course are the more recent installations.

  2. Beautiful, especially those flowering shrubs!

  3. The South Carolina State House looks like a must see site indeed. The surrounding area is just as beautiful. Wonderful flowers, plants and pathways...the area surrounding it does look dreamy. The bronze monument is very impressive and that mini liberty bell looks darling!

    1. Thank you Ivana. It is a beautiful place for a stroll.

  4. Great post, you have an amazing photos!! :)
    If you want that we follow each other, let me know by leaving a comment on my last post and please click on the link at the end of post --> https://beautyshapes3.blogspot.com/2019/07/coachella-inspired-outfit-rosegal.html

  5. Estupendo post! Es un placer leerte! Feliz noche! ♡♡♡

  6. Such a beautiful post with lovely photographs.
    A gorgeous building and those crepe myrtles are such an amazing colour.

    All the best Jan

  7. wow so many fantastic pictures - thank you for sharing them with us

  8. I have never visited U.S but from what I can see here, South Carolina is a fabulous place.

  9. Oh very cute photos darling
    Thanks for share with us

  10. Such a lovely place to visit! I like the flowers! :)

    Hope that you are having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

  11. A magnificent State House with Washington statue and historical monuments.
    The crepe mrytles are blooming beautifully.

  12. waw....look like white house...no need to go to DC to have a white house as a photo background....

    beautiful views

  13. I enjoyed all the photos - it's great to see areas in your part of the country.

    1. Thank you Sandy. I love seeing where you live too. It is so different from here. We do live in a gorgeous country!

  14. I love that you are touring your relatively new digs -- so often we go places to travel but never see what is right at home! And you're right -- it's lovely!

    1. That is so true. I am sure we missed many wonderful places we could have visited up north. With everything being so new to both of us, it has made us want to get out an explore.

  15. Looks like an amazing place Val! The flowering shrubs are so beautiful! You and your hubby go to some really great places! Love the photos of you! Big Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val