Thursday, July 4, 2019

Wow Pop Bliss at the Columbia Museum of Art

Wow Pop Bliss is Jimmy Kuehnle's Inflatable Art exhibit currently at the Columbia Museum of Art in South Carolina. It is a four gallery interactive display.
As you can see, there is a teaser at the Boyd Plaza entrance. A triple butt is usually not on display here. This bright pink piece is called Winking Windbags.
It is an interactive display that should make anyone smile and most likely laugh.
We started in this dome that was constantly changing color.
Then there are sections in the galleries that you have to squeeze through in a labyrinth.
The entire time there is strobe lighting along with music, playing with sound, light, space and texture.
I would warn anyone going that you could possibly end up with a headache from the exhibit! The experience is worth it though since it is so unique.
You can also get squished by inflatables if you desire so like me.
Clearly this performance and sculpture-based artist likes to have fun as well as bring excitement into other people's lives.

If you go, this exhibit is running through September 8, 2019.

Museum is open daily 10am - 5pm (closed Mondays). I recommend going during the Soda City Market on Saturdays when museum admission is only $5.

1515 Main Street
Columbia, SC

I hope you found this amusing.

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val


  1. It seems like an interesting and enjoyable exhibition, and it is important to support these cultural events in your community.

    1. It it quite a unique exhibition. My first time seeing inflatables as art.

  2. I'm not that big on pop art but I have to say this looks fun and inventive. And perfect colors for July 4!

    1. I am more a classical gal myself enjoying realism. It is always entertaining to explore other genres of art.

  3. This looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    I am new. Hope you will check my blog:
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    Maybe follow for follow? I already follow you because of your beautiful blog, so if you want please follow me back.

  4. Winking windbags hahahaha that is too funny! But this looks like a super fun installation!

    Allie of

  5. If I lived near by, I would definitely check out this museum. This exhibition looks amazing. I love the interactive display and the light. I'm sure it would make me smile. The lights look so beautiful and I wonder what the music is like. With the music, the lights and the texture, I imagine it is quite an experience. I would risk a headache for this experience ha ha. I love to try new things. Lovely photographs!

    1. Thank you Ivana! It was definitely unlike anything I have experienced before.

  6. This looks like fun~... It's not the same but squeezing through openings ...or what have you reminds me of a really cool place I use to take the kids too ...Professor Penny Pickle - ...I need to go there again. Have a nice 4th~!

    1. It is an exhibit that will make adults feel like kids for a brief moment. We adults can always use more of those experiences!

  7. colors look and enjoyable.....
    Happy the 4th of July

  8. It looks like a fun exhibit! Interactive museum experiences can be interesting.

  9. lovely post dear :)
    I like your blog, wanna follow each other? please let me know. thanks :)

  10. Seems a lot of fun in there, Ms Val!
    I wish I could be there and get squished by inflatables.

    #It's firework around me, Ms Val, Happy Fourth of July!

    1. It was an experience! I hope you had a wonderful 4th Evi!

  11. Parece muito interessante e divertido.

  12. Oh wow, this is a brilliant interplay. It certainly looks like fun, I couldn't help but smile at these suggestive creations. :D

  13. I went to a similar exhibition here in Liverpool. It was lovely, with all the music and the colours. It is something really different, isn't it?

  14. Oh wow...that looks like an interesting visit....haha

  15. Oh what a fun exhibit! my kids would love this, I bet it's really busy with lots of families visiting!

    Hope that you have a great weekend ahead of you! Going to be a rainy one here so will be a quiet one for us :)

    Away From Blue

  16. This definitely looks so fun. I love the idea behind it!

  17. Amazing place and really cool exhibition!

  18. Un lugar precioso! Me alegro verte por mi blog! Feliz fin de semana! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

  19. what a beautiful post! I loved this! your blog is just stunning! Another great post from you! have a nice day


    1. What an interesting exhibition, something quite different.

  20. Awesome artπŸ˜˜πŸ’šπŸ’™

  21. How fun! It didn't make you feel claustrophobic?

    1. Normally I am claustrophobic but I think with all the stimulation going on, it did not give my brain a chance to think about it.

  22. I love going to the Columbia Museum of Art! I haven't been there in a few years, but I always enjoyed when I went. I saw the inflatable when I went downtown the other week. Thanks for sharing info about the exhibit!

    1. The museum is beautiful with all the renovations! We love visiting during Soda City.

  23. So cool Val! I would love to go! You look adorable in the pictures! Big Hugs!

  24. Certainly looks fun and very colourful.

    All the best Jan


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val