Saturday, April 28, 2012

This Week's Blog Post

Replenished Ear Wires
I received a shipment of ear wires from Bali, Indonesia this week so my inventory is replenished.
Bali wires have always been a favorite of mine for their quality and style. Someday I would love to be making my own ear wires for resale!!!
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
**WARNING** There is a snake in this post!
Jim and I took a ride over to the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary.  This space is over 2,000 acres of reservation for nature.

Some of the trails are boardwalks through a swampy environment.
Of course I almost fell a few times!

We saw a muddy frog.

As well as a frog who likes to keep clean.

Lots of snakes (the harmless kind).

The deer were not too afraid of us since they feel safe in this sanctuary.

There were happy mallard ducks.

Lots of birds. I envy those of you who can photograph birds. That is no easy task!

Including Woody Woodpecker! Jim spotted this little guy this from a distance. He is super far away so the picture is a bit fuzzy.

I have always enjoyed looking up at majestic trees against a blue sky.
There were many twisted tree formations.
The beavers are hard at work on this land. They even chopped this tree down with their teeth!
The pictures do not due the nature justice. Everything was worthy of gazing at.

I can see that the photos do not do justice since I cannot figure out what I was focused on in a bunch of the pictures! It caught my eye in real life. If I could have had a professional photographer by my side I could have had them capture my fascination!

This walk was perfect. Nature therapy is one of the best forms of relaxation…..right up there with laughter!!!
Jim enjoyed it so much that he brought his son there afterwards and they discovered much more than we did since the place is so vast. Apparently there is a grotto there (not like the Playboy mansion one). They brought bird seed and the birds actually ate out of their hands!
Thank you for stopping by! Have a beautiful week! ~Val


  1. Val, I loved this post....things that we definitely will never see in Hawaii! What a great planet we live on...and just think this was all put here for our enjoyment, aren't we lucky! Thank you for the well wishes via my blog, you cannot imagine how much this means to me! Aloha, Connie

    1. I would love to visit Hawaii someday! The evironment is completely different from Massachusetts!

  2. looks like a wonderful place to walk, but I would probably fall off the boardwalk and into the slimy water. lol

  3. The frog who likes to keep clean gave me a good laugh. You have some very eventful weeks. Glad you enjoyed this nature trail. :-)

  4. Val, great pictures! What a beautiful spot! I love the muddy frog and clean frog! LOL! That one twisted tree was really cool looking! Very nice picture of you and Jim at the end. Have a great week ;o)

  5. What a great place, that's amazing so many animals were out and so photogenic! There's a few in our area, with the 'boardwalk' too but the most we see are the occasional squirrel haha

  6. That looks like an amazon place to go visit. I love those twisted trees. It must have been fascinating to see.

  7. great nature pictures!

    thanks for visiting my blog and left me a comment! :)

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  8. Hi Val,

    You and Jim look so happy together. The wildlife sanctuary is wonderful, loved your photos. Ew...yuck, a snake, not I'm afraid one of my very favorite creatures. LOL Snakes are things I hope never to run into when I'm outside. Thanks for sharing your visit.


  9. The wildlife sanctuary looks wonderful! My kind of day out :)
    Those ear wires look interesting too. Particularly like the ones middle row, on the left. I look forward to seeing what you make with them!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and your lovely comments.

  10. Hi Val,
    This was a wonderful post. I love taking nature walks whenever I get the oppertunity. The frogs photos put a smile on my face.

  11. Thanks for sharing your nature walk with us. Your pics aren't as bad as you think. You still captured the beauty and peacefulness of the area.

  12. WoW! what an experience...your pictures are fabulous!!! We spend lots of time it!
    the two toned frog is great!!
    I am your newest follower...pls follow back if you can.
    happy spring!

  13. A nature walk is always great but a not so outdoors girl always gotta be careful! Have I told you that there is a pond next to my house? yes! where frogs and ducks and all kids of creatures live. Frogs have their symphony all night I'm used to it by now :) Have a great week xoxo

  14. This really looks like a wonderful place to be Val.
    It all looks so peaceful. What a nice way to spend part of a day.

    Love those ear wires, especially the middle left ones.

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  15. Wow great photos! What a beautiful spot!
    glad you liked the post...
    Have a nice day!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  16. Hi Val!
    I've been to Bali once and I saw some beautiful handcrafted jewelry there :)
    I agree, nature and animals always cheer me up. I've been trying to get a picture of the magpies here, but no luck yet.
    I think you bird photos are great and love that shot of the snake!
    have a lovely day

  17. Hi Val,

    It looks like a great place to visit. My boys would love it.


  18. Looks like a really fun time!! And I agree- those ear wires are stunning!

  19. Looks like a really great time! I can't wait til we can get out on the river and enjoy nature and it's quiet beauty :)

  20. ahhhh i hate snakes...but i loved that sweet bambi XD
    i agree with you, they are quite classy and beautiful and some of them really easy to wear!! the bad thing about that if you wear heavy earrings you hear whole becames bigger with time... :(

  21. Amazing photos Val! It looks like it was an amazing adventure. Very cool ear wires. You should try makeing your own, it is very simple, and if you have a jig it will be easy to make them over and over.
    Everyday Inspired

    1. Making the ear wires is definately something I would like to do and have the tools to do so. It is finding the spare time that is an issue! I love the look of coiled wire and have so many ideas.


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val