Saturday, June 9, 2012

This Week's Blog Post

New Clip On Findings
I recently added clip on earring findings to my shop in the pierced look style.
They immediately started selling well so I have also added clip-ons with a half ball that goes on the ear lobe. I did not realize there was still such a market for non-pierced ears! Available here.
Snack Bags
I was in need for new reusable snack bags which brought me to Preppy Owl Accessories on Etsy.
I purchased 4 sandwich sized bags which will give me a lot of flexibility since they are generous in size. The bottoms are gusseted too so they can stand upright! These are great for bringing my snacks to work without wasting plastic!!!
Garden Update
More irises have bloomed!
My first rosebud bloomed!
When uploading this bud on the computer, I immediately thought of Dr. Suess. I think it reminds me of the Grinch with the extra long greenness sticking out!
My weigela is doing well! I have 4 of these which I purchased through the mail a few years ago. So initially they were so tiny and they have been flourishing!
These are my geraniums which are in urns in front of the house.
New Kitchen Toys
I purchased English muffin rings, a baking mat and a tortilla press!

I have not tried the press yet but Jim helped me with my first batch of gluten free English muffins! They look more like biscuits than muffins but they are tasty.
I can individually wrap them and freeze them.
So whenever I crave bread I can just grab one of these from the freezer and toast it, make a sandwich or make little pizzas! Recipe here.
Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful week!!!  ~Val


  1. Your garden pictures are great! I have a weigelia too and I love it. But more I adore and love my 'Kolkwitzia amabilis' which is georgeous and breathtaking when blooming.
    A baking mat is a great thing, I won't miss mine, use it every day.

    1. The baking mat is so cool. It is great for a perfect, unburned bottom!

  2. Hi Val,

    The snack bags are so pretty. I love all your beautiful flowers. I bet your homemade muffins taste great.


  3. Yes, there is still a market for clip ons. I'm one of those non-pierced people (lol) and I know quite a few, especially in my culture, who can no longer wear pierced earrings due to having keloid skin. So they do clip ons.

    Your irises are gorgeous. Such a beauty to look at each day. As for your tortilla press, I have one of those. My tip that I've learned is that you have to line the press with plastic. Typically a grocery bag is reused until it is of no more use. You cut the bag open and use a piece for the top and bottom of the press. On Saturdays, I used to make myself breakfast burritos of a sort. Then I learned to make pupusas. You're going to have so much fun with that thing!

    1. Hi Libby, I was not aware the some people need to wear clip ons due to their skin. Now I imagine some other cultures are the same!

      Thank you for the tip on the tortilla making! I have a feeling the first attempt is going to be quite amusing!

  4. Wow, look at all of those gorgeous flowers! That fourth iris, especially, is lovely; I adore all the curls. :) And I can definitely see what you mean about the rosebud - it DOES kind of look like the Grinch with his long green finger-fur! ;)

    Also, those gluten-free English muffins look delicious. So glad they turned out well!

  5. Beautiful photos!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  6. Wow- you have all different kinds of irises! ♥ LOVE the frilly ones :) And when you point it out- the rose bud does remind me of the Grinch! Haha, weird :)


  7. You always have great stuff to show!!:)

  8. Hello Val, your garden is looking so lovely, I especially love the Irises of course and I think the yellow and purple is my very favorite. Have a great, creative week.


  9. All of your flowers are beautiful! and your kitchen toys look fun but lately I have not had the desire to cook :(

  10. Your flowers are so, so pretty! I love that last iris :)

  11. Beautiful flowers!! Those snack bags are great! Your english muffins look so good! I can't wait to see how your tortillas turn out.

  12. I love your garden pictures! Everything is looking amazing! I love kitchen toys too ;o) LOL! Your English muffins look yummy! Another recipe I have to try ;o) Have a great week ;o)

  13. These muffins look so yummy, Val, and your irises are just beautiful.
    Ours are just about done blooming now, and some of them took quite a hit with the rain we've had. :-(
    Sending you wishes for a great day ahead!

    1. The rain has been a little too much! The flowers need sun too. :) Hopefully the summer will be just right for all our blooms.

  14. Clip on earrings what a good idea. Glad to hear they are selling well. Your garden is amazing! You have a great collection of Iris's in lots of cool colors. Your new kitchen gadgets look like fun.
    Everyday Inspired

  15. love the pitures of the flowers:) super sweet!


  16. That's quite a great week! So jealous of your garden- wish we had a yard. We exclusively use slipmats in this house- so nice for a variety of kitchen needs. We also have a tortilla press but have yet to use it!! I second the thought that I wouldn't think there'd be much of a market for clip ons, but what do I know, apparently?

  17. I'm coocoo for reausable snack pretty and practical!! And congrats on the new toys! I'm hoping to be able to buy a sandwich sealer soon...

  18. Those snack bags are wonderful, and the irises... well, gorgeous! Enjoy them.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  19. Hi Val!
    the flowers are gorgeous! I love the deep pink rose :)
    There is just something about flowers that makes one happy, right?
    The snack bags are pretty AND practical! Your English muffins turned out very well!
    Have a great rest of the week, best wishes,

  20. Look at those gorgeous blooms of yours! I am very partial to iris - they are so pretty, and yours are! and I'm so impressed by all that hard work mulching .. it really paid off - your garden looks so clean! Love that you've added clips to your shop. Whenever I make earrings for my mother-in-law I need to use them and they are always 2-3x their pierced counterparts. Why is that?

    1. I don't know what is up with that!!! The clip ons are pricey!!!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val