Saturday, June 16, 2012

This Week's Blog Post

New Toggle Clasp
I received this new Bali sterling silver toggle clasp this week. It is so elegant! Available here.
My Rainbow Veins
I won something fabulous from My Rainbow Veins! It will be hung on my office wall which is where my yoga mat and access to YouTube yoga videos are! I love that it reads “simple” which really fits yoga.
Jordan is a talented teen with an eye for really cool newspaper art. As a Lord of The Rings fan I love this one!
And who doesn't love Pooh!
Check out My Rainbow Veins on Etsy and her blog here! On her blog you also see her talent as a nature photographer!
Maudsley State Park
Maudsley State Park  is approximately 450 acres of reservation. Jim and I only explored a small portion of this since it is so vast!
It was formerly an estate belonging to the Moseley family.
To get an idea of the gardens I read that at one time it took approximately 40 staff workers to maintain! Yikes!
The gardens date back to the 19th century but have not all been kept up. The land is too sizeable for the Department of Conservation and Recreation who now manages the park.
This makes for some mysterious looking structures that remain.
Regardless it is an enchanting land of meadows, flowering shrubs, super tall pine trees and more.
It also runs along the Merrimack River for water views.
I have been to this park many times however I have never walked through this part when the rhododendrons were in bloom. It is amazing!
These shrubs are incredibly tall (although the picture does not demonstrate this) and delightful to walk through.
Pink petals sprinkled the ground.

The family used to bury their pets on the property. Each headstone is named and dated!
This sweet weed was recurring along the paths. I find its petals really unique with those cutouts.
I hope you also enjoyed our walk through the park! My posts have been getting longer lately since Jim and I are going places with the beautiful weather. The blog is a wonderful way to document our memories!
Have a perfect week! ~Val


  1. You take the best trips. For some reason when I started looking at these photos it reminded me of The Secret Garden, especially the photo underneath the white flower. Very cool. :-)

    1. Oh! I loved reading the Secret Garden as a little girl!!

  2. Hi Val,

    The newspaper artwork is pretty cool.
    I loved seeing the beautiful park. Oh and the lake picture is gorgeous!


  3. What a pretty walk! We used to walk through a section of Golden Gate Park called the Arboretum when we lived in San Francisco. I miss that! They had the large rhododendron 'trees' there, and it always amazed me how big they grew! Thanks for sharing!

    1. The large Rhododendrons are amazing to look at. The trunks are a little something out of a fairy tale!

  4. Great win!
    And your walk looks so beautiful! I love all the different flowers.

  5. really groovin' on the newspaper art - can' wait to try it as i have a huge newspaper fetish thing going on.
    the yellow flowers are amazing.

  6. so true!!! it looks so elegant!!!!cool pics Val :)

  7. Hey Val,

    I hear ya' it is easier to post with lots of photos in this great weather...I feel the same way. Winter, not so much...yuk!!!

    The park looks so favorite shots are those old set of stairs and I think, the pet gravestones. (I'm into cemetaries in a big way, I confess, I love reading headstones)

    The newspaper art is wonderful, I will have to check the site out. So creative. Havwe a great week.


    1. The pet graves make me chuckle a little! Something unexpected!

  8. it's so great to have places like this where you live!

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  9. Miss Val thank you sharing your wonderful strolls with us! Lovely tribute to the family pets with those gravestones. Oh! and I do love Pooh!!

  10. Hi Val ;o) I love the new toggle! Very pretty! What you won is so cool! I love the newspaper art! Great stuff! Your journey through the park was beautiful! I have to admit, the thing that touched me the most, was that each pet had their own headstone! How precious ;o) Take Care ;o)

  11. You find some amazing places to visit. I'm inspired to do more exploring :) The newspaper art is great. I too am a huge fan of Lord of the Rings!

  12. So glad you liked my silhouette art ♥♥ I knew you would appreciate it :)

    As always, lovely pictures! It looks like (yet another) gorgeous place :)
    I love the last photograph! It has like identical marks in each leaf! I have a picture of one of those flowers too... :) They're so simple but so cute ♥


    1. I love the silhouette art. Thank you so much Jordan!

  13. Lovely park! Glad to got to go!

  14. The new toggle clasp looks great!
    Congrats on winning that really cool Yoga art print!!
    The park is beautiful and huge :)
    I like that the family buried their pets on the property. Wish I could do so here, but it's not allowed.
    have a great week!

  15. new follower! thank you for the beautiful walk!

  16. amazing pictures as always:) love the flowers!!


  17. Love this toggle clasp, Val!!
    Send you an e-mail about it. :-)

    Newspaper art? I've never heard of it, but these are really wonderful, and I'll just bet that one can be really creative with this.

    Maudsley State Park looks like a perfect place to be with a camera!

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!


  18. Amazing pictures!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  19. Looks like another great week! What beautiful gardens- the photo of that hanging flower is just gorgeous:) Congrats on the cool win too!

  20. What a great adventure. I love seeing your adventures and yes, what a great way to document them!


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading visitor comments! ~Val